This week, Judy Woodruff of PBS interviewed Zbigniew Brzezinski and Stephen Hadley, former national security advisers for presidents Carter and Bush. The subject of the interview was Wikileaks.
Brzezinski implied that wikileaks *could* be an intelligence operation of a foreign government.
So break out the tin foil hat for a former national security advisor because he implied that wikileaks could have a specific intent besides how the media portrays it.
JUDY WOODRUFF: How easy would it be to seed this to make sure that it was slanted a certain way?
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI : Seeding — seeding it is very easy. I have no doubt that WikiLeaks is getting a lot of the stuff from sort of relatively unimportan t sources, like the one that perhaps is identified on the air. But it may be getting stuff at the same time from interested intelligen ce parties who want to manipulate the process and achieve certain very specific objectives .