This thread is chilling in its correctness. My husband’s brother, who turns 30 this year, is living in his parent’s home (they moved into the garage apt) and stealing cash from them, along with not working and being totally dependent on them for everything, from food to shoes. They totally support him, his on and off wife, his drug buddies, his part time gf who sleeps over when the wife is away, and his 2 year old kid. It makes me sick to watch, and has ruined a previously fond relationship between my hubby and my relationship with his parents. I can’t even explain the levels of unhealthiness going on, but I feel bad for all involved, the parents who are now sick but can’t retire, the 30 year old meth head who gets everything handed to him, and the other siblings, including my hubby, who are watching the youngest burn through all of their parent’s remaining years, health, and money. I see no positive end in sight. I moved out when I was 15 and financed my own life and college, you can bet I am teaching my kids independence. I would rather they all ended up moving out early and being super independent like all of my siblings did then even one of my kids winding up like the bro-in-law. Is 6 years old too early start charging rent? Kidding! I agree with almost all the posters on this thread, teaching your kids how to be independent is a hard job, but they will be better people for it, and will treat their parents better for it. I would never speak harshly to my parents who gave little financially, but my bro-in-law cusses out his parents frequently. It is not even an original or shocking scenario, but it sure has ruined so many things… Sad.