This thread is a perfect example of why nothing will change or get better. Look at how people who should all be on the same side are so easily pitted against one another. It is classic divide&conquer and it works every time. Here is the playbook for those that missed it the first time:
1) Declare war on private sector employees using insourcing/outsourcing, elimination of benefits/pensions, etc…
2) Private sector employees quit watching the Super Bowl/Dancing With The Stars on their 60″ flatscreens long enough to notice that they are being screwed. Looking for answers, they switch to Fox News where Glenn Beck tells them that it’s all the fault of greedy public sector workers and unions. They still have benefits and pensions — those greedy bastards!
3) The private sector people start screaming for blood from their public sector counterparts. Much anger and vitriol is released. Politicians move in to establish a consensus – public sector workers will get ass-raped just like their private sector neighbors. Now everyone is equally screwed.
As for the silly comments that there is no difference between some crooked unions shaking someone down for tens of millions and hedge funds and bankers ass-raping the entire country to the tune of trillions, these are orders of magnitude apart. Once you stop handing the country over to the financial interests, once you stop the bleeding, THEN you can deal with the crooked unions. Again, when a bear has got your leg in its mouth, you’d better reach for the axe. Sure those mosquitoes are annoying but wait until the bear is dead before trying to reach the Off spray.
Nothing is going to change. The sheepdogs will keep barking and the sheep will go whatever direction they want them to.