This thread is unbelievable… I can not believe the great response this topic has received. Of course, if the words “stripper” and “pole” come together, only magical things are sure to happen…
Me like granite. I have corian. I hate corian. Corian scratches easy. People say “you can sand the scratches out of corian”. I say who wants to sand your entire countertop?! You can’t just sand where the scratches are, then you have a dip. (am i rambling?)
I have stainless too (corian & stainless came with the house). They look awesome, but yes they have to become dated at some point. I mean, my white refrigerator looks sort of 80’s/90’s dated too (yes – I have one white fridge w/everything else stainless… yummy), and that is white!! If white will look dated, we all have no chance. Just run out & get that Brady-bunch avocado & wait a couple years for it to come back in style.