This spam and ammo thing isn’t really working out now is it? Even though I make light of a few of you as being borderline nutjobs, I took the bait a little. Now that i’m sporting a 3 car garage, all by myself, and because I have some costco stock, I lined the walls of the garage with gorilla racks and I am flush with supplies for armegeddon.
Still no lines forming at my door of hungry, half naked women wanting to trade sex for food. I am quickly becoming an easy target for jokes within my posse. Because I am one of the only one of my friends without a woman living in my house to protest, so my pad had become the default poker game venue. I did pick up a nice poker table on craigs list and have it in the garage, got a tv and tunes wired out there and with all the garage doors open, and only one car in there, it’s roomy and cigar smoking is encouraged. It’s a man cave/bunker combo. So at the last game, my supplies were the butt of every joke. The jokes ranged from “so how long have you been morman?” to “by the time you get through all that toilet paper, it will be obsolete,” to “next time, get the chili without beans, because if the world ends we are all coming here and you don’t want ten guys in one house eating beans, unless of course you have a case of air freshener on that rack.”
And my personal favorite “the internet is for porn and sports, stop reading the crazy stuff or your garage will end up looking like a bunker, oops, too late.”
So thanks for that, I’m done worrying about this stuff.