This policy is characterized by the four “i”‘s which seem to characterize government policy in general:
Intrusiveness, incompetence, ineffectivness and insiderism
In its intrusiveness, as- with regards to air travel-it goes far beyond anything in regards to degradation and humiliation of the travelling public.
Its incompetence is monumental, as it will simply make more people avoid flying altogether, thereby putting even more burdens on an already beleaguered industry.
It is innefective, as it will only cause any “real” terrorists to seek more sophisticated and easier concealable means to carry out their attacks or different public targets all together. I mean, what is an infatuation wit airplanes.
The insiderism is the most obvious- the full body scanners are manufactured by a client of the Chertoff Group, run by none other than Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of DHS and author of the USA PATRIOT Act
In one fell swoop, the American public is not only patted down, it’s shaken down as well.
Expect more security threats that require billion dollar contracts. Because it’s just too easy