This looks like a pretty straightforward real estate cost vs. benefits question where you need to make estimates about the future. A lot of blanks need to be filled in based on future unknowns, as well as unknown unknowns. However, difficulty in making projections is no reason to not do your research and write down your estimates.
Your future benefits are presumably appreciation, cash flow, possible tax benefits, perhaps pride of ownership, and use of the condo.
Future costs are the hassle factor (including the value of your own time), annual costs of owning and maintaining, vacancy downtime and cleaning and prep to rerent (possibly by someone on site who would need compensation).
Be sure to learn about the local rental market: vacancy factors, seasonal fluctuations, location variables, pitfalls, etc. Start with Craigslist rentals and for-sale condos, then go to a local realty office that specializes in selling and renting condos. Remember that we all underestimate costs, vacancies, and tenant problems.
Write down all your future costs and benefits in great detail so that you can reread them in a few years and have a good laugh.