This is the kind of dialogue that could actually “fix” some of the problems with “racism.”
We can’t fix the problem if we can’t define it. We can’t define it unless we can openly discuss everyone’s perspectives and better understand the history and context of our beliefs.
Davelj made an excellent point about “racism” really being about culture. He hit the nail on the head, IMHO. Most people I know couldn’t care less about a person’s color, as long as that person shared a similar culture/belief system. Race really doesn’t matter.
One story: back when I was in college, we had a “Black House” and a “Hispanic House” for black and hispanic students. No “White House” though.
They also had a “black” graduation ceremony that (black) students could choose to attend instead of the regular ceremony with everyone else. I can assure you we did NOT have a separate “white” graduation ceremony.