This is really shabby journalism, and is the reason newspapers like the LA Times are increasingly viewed as irrelevant.
First of all the Black/White unemployment has historically been a 2:1 ratio. For a variety of reasons, blacks have fairly consistently had about twice the unemployment rate of whites, whatever the white rate is. The article complains of a 12% rate for blacks with a 8% rate for whites (not sure when measured, or where), which I’d call an improvement over historical norms.
They later state that thousands of teachers and educators are about to get laid off across the state. Reality: every year at about this time school districts mail out scary notices to mobilize their ranks and alarm parents. Come September pretty much everyone gets rehired. It is a political game aided and abetted by the MSM. The fact is, the unemployment rate for teachers is way below that of the private sector.
As Richs’ posts have pointed out, the big employment cutbacks in San Diego, mirroring the nation, are in manufacturing, retail, finance, construction, etc.–all private sector. In other words, the taxpayers who support the public sector. In what categories are the jobs growing or stable? Government, education, and health services–all public sector or largely government funded.
I’d wager that the cuts in hours and cuts in pay are also far more common in the taxpaying private sector as well. Let’s hear a bit less whining from government workers and the biased media.