This is not drilling lingo.. it is mineralogy. This is a ‘core’ drilling result where they drill into the earth and pull up a core sample to find out what it is made out of, and it it is worth the effort to mine.
These rare earth compounds are often used in optical coating, rare earth magnets, lasers/laser diodes, MRIs, and semi-conductors just to list a few.
It would be interesting to know what the exact Rare Earth concentrations were when broken down to actual elements. The Rare Earth elements have different values depending upon which one they are.
Carbonatite = assumed to be formed when magma moves through a limestone structure, partially melting it. It has to occur in a oxygen-less environment because Calcium and Carbon react violently with oxygen when they get hot enough, with the Carbon going to Carbon monoxide or Carbon dioxide gasses. They mentioned something about igneous over sedimentary in part of the report – this could create carbonatite like structures.
One thing that concerns me is that they throw ‘gold’ in on the mineralization report. (Our interest in Bull Hill NW is also piqued by the intercept of significant gold mineralization in drill hole RES10-60, where the highest grade (12 ft @ 11.85 gpt Au) is contained within a silicocarbonatite dike.). This is a small sample size, seen in only one hole. Considering the worth of the other Rare Earth compounds and that it was only found in one hole.. it would not be worth mentioning. “GPT” means grams per ton. (453.59 grams = 1 pound, 28.35grams per ounce – more than 2 tons of ore would have to be crushed and processed to get 1 ounce of gold).
Table 1,2,3 are interesting.. I would need to take time to plot it out. I need more info on the map locations of the holes and topology of the area. This would give me the underlying geological structure.