This is like a hippie having a bumper sticker that says “Fight for Peace”. The government contradicts itself from every perspective. They are controlling inventory just like they are playing with the unemployment numbers to keep them from surpassing 10% nationally. Anyone notice that? Somehow we can lose 550K jobs and unemployment spikes 1/2 percent, but when we lose half that we only move up 1/10 of a percent. They will keep that number at bay as they do the inventory numbers until they lose. Americans are some of the dumbest people in the world. This is simply because we have allowed the media and our poor educational system to brain wash us into believing what we are told.
If you ignorant people believe that things are looking better, keep smoking that legalized marijuana. Sure people aren’t as scared or panicked as their were 8 months ago, but that has do with a magician and his back of tricks. Unfortunately he only has a few more left in his bag before the crowd turns on him.