This is in San Diego. Also, our houses are located close to sidewalk, so a big truck like this right in front, is overwhelming. I checked out it’s dimensions, so it DOES violate City Code. It also clearly displays it is a business, with the name, website, phone number, etc plastered all over the vehicle.
Listing Information
Length:21 ft.
Width:7 ft.
Height:10 ft.
Weight:14140 lbs.
The City reports it has been out and it does not meet guidelines. This makes no sense as this is what is listed on City website:
§86.27 Parking of Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicles in Residential Districts
No person shall park any heavy duty commercial vehicle on a street in any residential
district except (a) while loading or unloading property, or (b) when such vehicle is
parked in connection with, and in aid of, the performance of a service to or on a
property in the block in which such vehicle is parked, or (c) such vehicle is parked
immediately in front of or along side of premises actively devoted to industry or
commerce and lying contiguous to the street. For the purpose of this section, certain
terms shall be defined as follows:
(a) Heavy duty commercial vehicle shall mean a commercial vehicle having a
manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more.
(b) Residential district shall mean any district zoned residential in accordance
with the zoning definitions established