This case is tragedy, the media coverage has been abysmal, biased and race baiting. The counters to that play right back with other racial stereotypes and hyperbole.
The disinformation from both sides is appalling and the talking heads are running rampant with opinions that aren’t even close the the facts presented in the case.
The reaction going on is what the media has been stoking for a year starting with NBC editing the 911 call tapes.
Take a look at Zimmerman’s 911 call
A 17 old kid is dead. Zimmerman realized he was a kid when Trayvon ran and Zimmerman then got out of the car. Zimmerman literally says he was a kid when Trayvon approached the vehicle Zimmerman was in. Zimmerman then said “Ok” when the 911 dispatcher told him he didn’t need to follow Trayvon. Zimmerman and the Dispatcher than proceeded to have a discussion where Zimmerman provided his name, location and phone and made a plan to meet the officers
Some time after that the altercation happened. How? Only two people know. One is dead. But as the one witness neighbor reported, the one wearing the hoodie was on top of the other on the ground doing a ground and pound style fight.
The alternatives here aren’t good. There’s a bunch of things both of them shouldn’t have done. But expecting people to turn a blind eye to people walking around in the rain and dark in their neighborhood during a rash of burglaries is unrealistic.
It’s unrealistic to think they should be free shoot someone down too.
As it’s unrealistic to think getting out of your car to ask someone what they’re doing at night in your neighborhood is going to get you a ground and pound beat down.
So this is a sh*t ball they both made. Trayvon was a 17 year old kid, they don’t always have the best judgement. Zimmerman was a full adult. So unless it really went down the way Zimmerman says, IMHO, Zimmerman is ultimately responsible.