This brings up another related subject – already talked about here – WORLD ECON DECOUPLING. Apparently plenty of outside hedge funds are loosing their shirts.
A couple of weeks ago, a couple of my good friends, stock brokers, in some parts of the Eastern EU, were scrambling to understand what’s going on in the US financial markets and how come it affects their business? They were asking me for some info/links and a MACRO econ/financial prospective on where we are – and possibly the impact abroad. I’ve sent them some fine links, but ultimately – EVERYONE will suffer from this mess regardless of location (401k, hedge fund investor, financial institutions, insurance institutions, etc.). I’ve got to be honest the impact is greater than what I’ve envisioned.
I can tell you that I read a few e-newspapers from EU and yesterday – big print in the Econ section of some big newspaper – REAL ESTATE PRICES HAVE FORZEN (as opposed to growing 20% a year) – due to the US financial markets (it went on & on about US financial risks valuation – or lack there of – and the rest of the fiscal mantra)
There was a fine comment above “yes, the mess is contained to planeth earth” 🙂