This area abuts the “backgate” entrance to Camp Pendleton. The training areas are to the north, so there will be artillery noice from time to time. The proximity to that gate is a plus for buyers who work on base, but those folks mostly can’t afford those prices.
When the sentries are checking IDs at the gates the traffic can back up on Vandergrift; maybe not enough to create ingress/egress problems at this project, but it is noticeable.
This area of Oceanside was originally built out in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The older neighborhoods in the area are home to several gangs. Lots of problems in the neighborhoods and at the parks, and lots of problems in the schools (particularly the high school).
If you’re going to spend $700k or more on an average quality tract home I’d say that almost any other planned community in San Diego County would be a better bet.
I think this area is going to get hit a lot harder than most in terms of price declines. Access to the Interstate-5 corridor is marginal (via Hwy 76), and access to the other major freeways (Hwy-78 and I-15) is a nightmare. It’s convenient to Camp Pendleton and the industrial parks in Oceanside but it’s very inconvenient to all other employment centers.