They wouldn’t come “after” the buyer. The agent could go after the sellers broker and say that he showed the house, he deserves the commission. HE could then cut out the agent that the buyers actually used to write up the offer. It depends on the rules of the local board. When I was an agent the rules said that the person who originally showed the house got the commission. Then it was later changed to “whomever controlled the buyer”. That is, whover submitted the offer to the sellers agent. Don’t know what it is today. I lost a commission because my buyer had originally stopped into an open house and signed the “guest list’. She later decided to buy that house and I submitted the offer. The sellers agent submitted the signature on the guest list and used it to demand both sides of the commission. Our brokers eventually worked out a deal and I got a part of the commission but not the full one. They changed the rule the following year.