They say they can’t turn a profit unless they have a new stadium, but they need office buildings as a part of the project to fund the building of the new stadium. Seems to me they should use the extra profits from getting the new stadium to build the new stadium.
Could it possibly be that building a new stadium is not cost-effective ? Naw. Couldn’t be. That doesn’t make sense. We like new stadiums. They must be cost-effective. Oh. THey really aren’t ?
Hm. In that case, lets get the city to build the new stadium and tell the city that if they build one they’ll MAKE more money than if they don’t build one (be sure not to tell them they aren’t cost-effective), and make sure the (insert sports team here) threatens to leave cuz no politician wants a sports team to leave on their watch, especially if it means not getting a new stadim. Yeah. That’s it.
Seems new stadiums are to cities what granite countertops are to homes. An overpriced luxury.
Lets get an MLS team into Qualcomm. They only need a few hundred seats anyway.