They bleed from everywhere. The poison is Coumadin a blood thinner given to people. When they eat the poison they are in search of water, so you will always find them close to a water source. Sound like an expert? I am, I had an awful winter experience some years back, and at one point they were jumping out of my toaster and my stove in the middle of the daylight. My house is very clean has nothing to do with that. Once they come in from the elements, they are your new roommates! YIKES, I have poison traps in every square inch of my house downstairs and garage.
Usually they just curl up and die in a corner,but sometimes you have the unfortunate experience of seeing them in their death throws, still better than screaming for dear life.
Now that I think about it, I have more rodents stories than one would care to mention, I could possibly start a new thread, lol!!