They actually called you from the curb and you let them in? You have got to be kidding me!
California Law
Special rules apply if the purpose of the entry is to show the rental to a purchaser. In that case, the landlord or the landlord’s agent may give the tenant notice orally, either in person or by telephone. The law considers 24 hours’ notice to be reasonable in most situations. However, before oral notice can be given, the landlord or agent must first have notified the tenant in writing that the rental is for sale and that the landlord or agent may contact the tenant orally to arrange to show it. This written notice must be given to the tenant within 120 days of the oral notice. The oral notice must state the date, approximate time and purpose of entry. 110 The landlord or agent may enter only during normal business hours, unless the tenant consents to entry at a different time 111 When the landlord or agent enters the rental, he or she must leave a business card or other written evidence of entry 112
The landlord cannot abuse the right of access allowed by these rules, or use this right of access to harass (repeatedly disturb) the tenant. Also, the law prohibits a landlord from significantly and intentionally violating these access rules to attempt to influence the tenant to move from the rental unit.113
If your landlord violates these access rules, talk to the landlord about your concerns. If that is not successful in stopping the landlord’s misconduct, send the landlord a formal letter asking the landlord to strictly observe the access rules stated above. If the landlord continues to violate these rules, you can talk to an attorney or a legal aid organization, or file suit in small claims court to recover damages that you have suffered due to the landlord’s misconduct. If the landlord’s violation of these rules was significant and intentional, and the landlord’s purpose was to influence you to move from the rental unit, you can sue the landlord in small claims court for a civil penalty of up to $2,000 for each violation.114