These are all great posts and some even a bit laughable. Let’s be honest Palin didn’t bode well as a pick for the Repub ticket last year. I thought if any Repub stood a chance against the messiah it was Romney (looking at things from an economical standpoint), although his Mormon faith didn’t help his cause.
I don’t believe Palin stands a chance on the ticket in 2012. I am not saying I dislike her, I just don’t see it happening. She is definitely a bit more on the right side of politics, but maybe America will need a little more right in 3 years. It is quite obvious what is happening in our current government with the amount of control over just about every sector. One thing is certain, the next 3 years will be some of the worst and most challenging in America’s history so Obama will have a lot of critical decisions to make in order to keep the left in office in 2012.
I think the Repub’s will definitely need a standout for the ticket because if Palin is to go up against Obama I don’t see upset happening. This will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Let’s all stop the speculation and wait to see the truth about why she walked away from the position. Happy 4th to all of you. May the freedom in this country continue and not be stripped away from us!!!