Theres a great article “How the Crash Will Reshape America” from the Atlantic –
“Well-educated professionals and creative workers who live together in dense ecosystems, interacting directly, generate ideas and turn them into products and services faster than talented people in other places can… The world’s 40 largest mega-regions, which are home to some 18 percent of the world’s population, produce two-thirds of global economic output and nearly 9 in 10 new patented innovations. Cities like Seattle, San Francisco, Austin, Raleigh, and Boston now have two or three times the concentration of college graduates of Akron or Buffalo. Among people with postgraduate degrees, the disparities are wider still.”
If it were so easy to move, people would have done it. Rent and labor costs are so high in CA, yet total revenue is marginally more. Restaurant charge only a few bucks more in CA, but costs are SO much higher.
Well, if rents and labor costs fall then that should even out some of the new taxes and I suspect that it won’t be a catastrophe.
Going to move your beauty salon, dental practice from La Jolla to other states where people are too poor/redneck to pay $200 for H/C, teeth cleaning?
BTW: Nevada unemployment is soaring, higher than our commie state.