There is almost always a bigger picture going on than the details we focus on. In my opinion the biggest picture in human history is ALWAYS money. So, if you want to understand the world you have to understand money.
Start by reading “The Creature From Jekyll Island” – don’t be intimidated by its size – this is MUST reading if you want to understand today’s world.
Inre immigration into the US (legal or illegal): This country is about to experience a HUGE shortfall of taxpayers to support the about-to-retire baby boomers. When social security was founded there were 30 payers for every payee. The current ratio is 3 to 1 and declining. America needs new blood to pay taxes and, since Americans aren’t having enough babies, the new blood can only come from foreign countries.
How many attempts have been made in the past three years to make illegal immigrents ‘sort-of-legal’ by granting driver’s licenses, etc? There have been at least two attempts in California and I believe other states have also made efforts (all unsuccessful?). These attempts are just the first step in making the illegals taxable (ie, the government doesn’t care about their citizenship status as long as they pay taxes).
Illegals are also tied to money because American corporations need to cut costs. Their biggest cost is labor so illegals help them increase their profit margins. Our government is currently being run for the benefit of corporations and leaving the borders open is just one of the perks being given to corporations by our government.
Sorry to inform you that in the big picture, illegals are not a benefit to our society as Americans. They ARE a benefit to the corporate-fascist powers that have taken control of this country. Illegal workers will help them paper over the holes in the system and keep it going for a little while longer.
Sorry for ranting about illegals but they are just another aspect of the money game that is being played right now. Housing is currently the biggest aspect of this same money game.
Please, please, please educate yourself about our monetary system! Until we understand the problem we will be unable to implement a solution. And in my opinion, a dishonest monetary system is at the HEART of all the problems we are currently experiencing.
Don’t believe me? Perhaps you’ll believe the founding fathers who wrote a quaint piece of paper (called the US Constitution) wherein they declared that the only legal money would be silver and gold. When’s the last time you saw any honest money in circulation?