There has been a lot of talk about how the Democratic runoff is hurting the Democratic candidates, but I have a different take on that. What they are doing, deliberately or not, is airing all of their dirty laundry before confronting McCain. In doing so, they may be able to avoid another 11th hour Swiftboat like attack.
The Rev. Wright issue, for example, while far from over may be largely forgotten by the time the actual election rolls around. Obama’s Rev. Wright connection would probably have destroyed his chances for election if it were revealed a few months from now, but he still probably has time to recover. If he’s still in the race.
Speaking of conspiracies and “Who benefited from the housing bubble going on for so long?” isn’t it amusing that Greenspan is an advisor to a hedgefund that is cashing in on the credit market collapse? After years of telling the American people how exotic lending made our economy stronger, he is now reaping profit from the system’s failure. God bless him and our country.