There are three tax raises on the November ballot, so we will all get a chance to have our say about California’s fiscal future. The one pushed by Governor Jerry Brown would raise the top income tax rate to 13.2 percent, which would make it the highest in the nation. Another part of his initiative would raise our sales taxes, which are already the highest in the nation.
Meantime, with 12 percent of the nation’s population, we have one-third of the welfare recipients.
CA has the second-highest unemployment rate in the nation, and our businesses and middle-class taxpayers are heading for the exits, and moving especially to low tax, business-friendly Texas, AZ, and Nevada.
All these and additional facts cited in the article are not new–the authors merely collected and assembled data already out there. But finally the public is getting informed, no thanks to the lame CA big city newspapers, who have largely cheered on the trends of recent years. It’s going to be an interesting election season in CA.