Im not a FICO score expert, but you should have your credit score run, as well as your credit report, and take a look at what shows up. I do know that anything you put on a revolving card shows up – and the % of credit you have used, against all your available credit impacts your score. Why? Because lets say you have 20K credit available, and you have 18K charged…if you were to say have problems paying your home, most people start charging everything on their credit cards before they give up and default. If you only have 2K available, you don’t have much of a cushion. In a recent credit report I ran in January, it showed only my balances as of November. There is typically a lag in reporting.
Since your card is presumably revolving, you could technically not pay off your card every month. However since the credit cards report your balance every month, I’m not sure if the “new” recipe calculates the delta from month to month to see if you are a charge and pay off person or one who’s accumulating more debt each month.