There are rich snobby people all over SoCal and there are rich really NICE people too. The people in RSF do have A LOT of money. I’ve met more nice than snobby.
For me I learned it was more about lifestyle and community than being snobby.
We used to live in La Jolla and I realized I didn’t want to raise my kids there based on the lifestyle. People tend to be retired or students and there aren’t a lot of children. It was usually me and my kids at the park with the dog club. I met plenty of nice people but it is harder to develop relationships.
For example, I wanted to live on a street where my kids can go out and play with the neighbors and I actually know my neighbors. In La Jolla I met 2 out of my 6 neighbors after living there for 3 years.
I am guessing here but I imagine the kids in RSF go to private school, take horse riding lessons, other private sport lessons etc cuz they can afford it. I found that my children become friends with those whom they go to school, and do activities. Then I meet the parents as well. I would be interested to see how many kids in RSF go to the YMCA for baseball camp etc. Personally I think it is harder to become part of community if you are not doing the same activities.
Bottom line…I don’t think its the cars and designer clothes. You will find some of that in all SD communities. I think when you have kids…the house you buy should provide a great neighborhood and community. From my experience it is a little harder to develop that in richer communities.