There are important issues that should occupy a President and abortion rights should not be one of them. It’s been almost a 40 year battle. I would love for a candidate to say they will not take a stand on it and he has greater concerns for our country than that. There are more pressing issues than whether a woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy, especially when life is at risk. It needs to be put to rest. As a personal choice, it’s not one I would relish to experience. But that is the point of all of this. It should be a personal decision, not one mandated by government.
I’m not saying free for all for anything. There are laws allowing medical marijuana. Yet they are still trying to ban abortions.
But back to the topic, it does appear RP is being ignored by the media. Perhaps the media are not liking him enough to give him attention, despite the popularity of votes. Perhaps the other candidates are donating sums of money to the media for their spot in the limelight.