There are currently 22,766 active listings of detached and attached homes in SD County. Of those, 7,693 are vacant (33.8%). There is a 13% spread between average prices ($781,873 and $679,568). But with the huge sample, different types of properties, different sizes, etc., would a closer look reveal a different result?
Here’s the breakdown between detached/attached:
SF detached:
owner/ten occ – $916,893 of 10,341 for sale (71%)
vacant – $856,412 of 4,258 for sale (29%)
SF attached:
owner/ten occ – $486,434 of 4,758 for sale (58%)
vacant – $460,328 of 3,434 for sale (42%)
When separated into detached and attached, there is a 6% spread between the average asking price of occupied and vacant properties here.
I triped-checked these numbers, and they kept coming out the same.
Can we say there is a 6% to 13% difference between the list prices of occupied and vacant homes?