“then you have nice little spots like Temecula…that are basically outcroppings of the SD market and OC market… 90% of it is upscale, cleancut, etc.”
The problem with Temecula is it’s infested with speculations/fraud. While the houses in Temecula may look nice on the outside, it is the financings of the houses that are crummy. In the next few years, foreclosures will mushroom in Temecula.
I suspect that the main reason Temecula looks good now b/c most of it is relatively new. Overtime, new houses will become old. This is why, in real estate, it’s all about the location. And Temecula is “location challenged”.
Temecula is an “outcropping” of SD & OC. Riverside is also an “outcropping” of OC & LA. Riverside used to be new & looked good too.