Then why are you not celebrating the fact that you are one of the lucky ones who do pay taxes and you want to pay more? I for one don’t want to pay more. We need less government, not more. You said yourself you did it without any help…obviously it can be done if one is motivated. The issue is big vs. small government – or socialism vs. capitalism, I for one am for small government and less taxes. You said yourself that socialism got us out of the great depression, that is blatently false…socialism is not an answer to tough economic times. That soak the rich kind of thinking only perpetuates the myth that all rich people are country club blue bloods who live off their family trust funds like the Kennedys…We all know that Harvard, Yale, Stanford and all the great universities do not need to charge one cent to educate anyone, that is a result of the endowments that came from those richie rich people you disdane, not from any government grant program. Anyone smart enough to get into those institution will get a free education. And yes, even rich people’s kids have to have the grades to get in to those universities, and it helps that mommy and daddy send money…Those richie rich types also fund most of the arts programs in this country, as well as hospitals, community centers, I could go on. It is a good thing to have rich people. I agree that I do not like rich parents who just give their kids everything they want, (ie. paris hilton) that makes me mad as hell. But isn’t that what big government does trying to be the do-gooder? Everyone must learn to be a responsible human being, not a taker. But to put down rich people because they choose to do with their own money what they want is…un-American – it’s a free country.