White-collar workers have no idea what it means to work hard. Sitting in front of a computer in an air-conditioned office is not hard. Being out in the fields all day with no health insurance is hard. [/quote]
You know what hard is Breeze? Your head! You seem to contradict yourself over and over on these threads and I am starting to wonder if you have been to a doctor to diagnose your multiple personality disorder. Maybe you should have another user name called Stormy that way Breeze and Stormy could argue back and forth all day.
Let me quickly reply to your thoughtless comments. You mention the difference between a white collar worker and an immigrant laborer. The immigrant laborer may work hard, but not paying taxes and free health care tend to be worth quite a bit these days. Why would an immigrant need insurance when he can stand behind you in the emergency room and get helped before you, while you pay $900/month for insurance? You may be thinking “I don’t pay $900/month for insurance!”. Guess what my friend, I do! And I have waited in line numerous times at doctors offices for me, my wife and my child. Do immigrants deserve to be helped? Of course, but shouldn’t they uphold the law, enter legally, obtain a visa and pay their taxes? Life isn’t fair sometimes, but I believe if you have a system designed to play by the rules, but decide to keep tweaking the rules, eventually the game isn’t going to be fun anymore. The American way of life has been so tweaked over the past 30 years and now this country is paying the price. Stop blaming Bush because it goes back a lot farther than Bush. The problem is even your American Idol Obama is jaded and wants to tweak the rules a bit more rather than going back and setting things straight.
You need to stop throwing the wealthy under the bus because the wealthy have kept you employed in your sales job for sometime. Just sit for a moment and think about your career and who your boss is. Think about how hard he worked to create a position for you and all your co-workers. Do you think he goes home and plays with his wife and kids at 5pm everyday or goes to the bar for happy hour? Chances are the owner of your company works his *ss off 12-14 hours a day just to make sure that he doesn’t have to let another employee go and yet you sit here and post these comments as if we don’t need wealthy people and they are criminals.
I can’t take your ignorance anymore! I think you need a serious reality check. By your above response I would assume the ability to handle a depression won’t be very easy for you. Start thinking about the system outside the box or eventually you will live in a box (the cardboard type).