[quote=TheBreeze]So it’s now been 6 weeks since the original post was made. When’s the chaos going to get here already? Or did it get here and I missed it? Wasn’t gold supposed to sky rocket? [/quote]
Well, let’s see…the Dow lost 2,000 points this month (all in one week) and lost as much as 3,000 points at one point. All in one month. Did you miss that? Because I’m sure the traders and hedge fund managers and bank CEOs who are now scrambling for life vests didn’t miss it.
And if you want to know if the price of gold is “skyrocketing”…try buying some from a dealer. Oh, and let me know if you find any for less than $150 over spot. Here, I’ll help you. Let’s look on eBay:
17 bids at $953 per Troy ounce. Hmmmm….how about that? Guess it doesn’t pay to spend too much time watching the gold futures market. Since it’s just paper.
So let’s review: physical gold up 20% in October. Dow down 24% in October…
Yep, sure looks like gold is skyrocketing to me. And I’d say the market is in chaos.
Now you’re up to speed, Breeze. Check back in more often 😉