[quote=TheBreeze][quote=Ricechex][quote=briansd1]I agree. Never marry an American-born woman.
Choose someone from Europe, Asia, Latin American or whatever. But generally, don’t marry an American-born woman.
The imported products are generally better.[/quote]
Belief statements such as this usually suggest a bitter man, someone that does not really “like” women (I do not mean gay). Women are referred to as “products” and thus objectified. Blanket statements such as “never marry an American born women,” and rigid rules about male and female behaviors, suggest a rigid and limited perspective about others and ideas (this same world view is exemplified in your one perspective posts regarding Obama and politics). My guess is that women aren’t too fond of you, and there has been repeated rejection of you by those of the female gender.
Guys like Russell and SD Realtor probably always had it really easy with women, because they really LIKE women. They had their pick because of this, and they could choose wisely, thus not ending up with these women you speak of. If they have daughters, those girls will find good men like their fathers, not narcissistic, entitled and self-righteous women hating men. If they have sons, those boys will find caring, nurturing women that love them for WHO they are, rather than controlling manipulating beast women as characterized in this thread.
Ucodegen’s posts were spot on.[/quote]
So men who have been divorced are awkward, incompetent, woman-repellent douchebags?[/quote]
Breezy, see you have reappeared. Clearly, you took that as an attack, which demonstrates your emotional fragility. Your anger comes out every time you post. You and Brian are 2 peas in a pod. He took over where you left off.
You missed the point–it was not about divorced or awkward men. It is about rigid beliefs and attitudes, and limited ability for critical thought. Jumping to conclusions and sweeping generalizations are usually characteristic.
Men = Good
Women = Bad
Republicans = Bad
Democrats = Good
Dog Owners = Good
Cat Owners = Bad
It’s childlike in nature, but for some it is necessary to help to organize their world, label others and themselves, and in a sense alleviate anxiety, inadequacy and fear of failure. It is their podium to stand on, and unfortunately, so much is missed in the process.
Waiting for another female poster to chime in here…she has the same world view as you guys.
Allan: Thanks. Your posts have always been informative to me.
TG: You are awesome. EXCELLENT post. You REALLY should write a book.