[quote=TheBreeze]Give me an effin’ break. Most people get paid based on the market for their skills. If someone is willing to work hard, they can always improve their lot in life. If the current rich asshole I’m working for won’t pay me for my skills, I’ll just go work for some other rich asshole.
Like politicians? Oh wait…
Chill out Breezy, you’re going to have a heat attack just because I posted some cold hard facts about your precious little terrorist candidate and his jackass party.
You want to see more “skills” go check out the crime rates in the Chicago neighborhoods Obama “organized”, or his push for Subprime lending in the late 90’s.
Think he’s so skeel’d now?
And, implying that everyone who dislikes Obama is a hick only shows further evidence of your own ignorance.
People like you are all the more reason why I’m sick of BOTH parties. Obama is MSM poster child, and somehow that gleaning smile causes them to look past so many faults it’s astounding. And I don’t think McCain is any better.
But hey, if you want to listen to P-Diddy, MTV cronies, MSM fodder, and follow the sheople off the cliff into Obamanation be my guest.
And btw, if you actually read my post, you’d see I pasted that info, I didn’t write it.