GITMO will only become an issue if someone released from there is able to launch a successful terrorist attack on the U.S. Otherwise, GITMO will be forgotten by 2012. If neither the U.S. nor U.S. interests are attacked between now and 2012, GITMO, Iraq, and even Afghanistan will likely be non-issues in 2012.
And if Obama is able to break Al Qaeda? You and Allan may be the only two people who vote Republican in 2012.
The Republicans may have to borrow the Army’s motto. But, instead of any army of one, it will be a party of one. LOL!
The focus really won’t be Al-Qaida. We really don’t have time to worry about terrorists at this point, exactly my reasoning for leaving GITMO alone until we resolve our economic issues at home. Once we solve the economic threat we move to international eye sores, such as GITMO. Allan and I have both mentioned the 2nd in command in Yemen. There is proof he is back to the drawing board. We let these guys go and they will cause destruction. While we fight an economic war, they fight a religious war. Trust me, they will strike us when we are most vulnerable.
Obama will never break Al-Qaida. This is a group that is willing to give up there lives for 40 virgins. They have a different thought process and they are breeding as fast as the Chinese.
I won’t vote Repub in 2012, I will be running as an Independent!