I can sum up your whole post thusly: You want to keep more of what you earn.
So do I. That is why I would prefer that super-rich people like you pay more taxes so that I can pay less.
I am not super rich and what you you advocate is what BO is counting on for votes, economic class warfare.
Where you are misguided is not only in your apparent choice of candidates. It is also in the belief that hard working middle class folks have more in common with those with their hands out for freebies than with those who work hard to get ahead or even farther ahead.
We are all paying for those who don’t take personal responsibility for their lives. Anybody paying taxes is paying for this folly. It just so happens that the wealthy pay a disproportionate share of taxes. And BO wants that to even become more pronounced. Apparently BO doesn’t think rewarding achievers for their hard work is a good thing. Apparently our high achievers are bogie men to him.
Instead, BO wants to disincentive achievement and continue the cycle of government dependence that holds back a great deal of our citizens. He does this because it gets him votes. He knows the more folks who are dependent upon his good graces, the more votes he will get from these folks. He really doesn’t want them out of those circumstances. He prospers from them being in that circumstances.
This isn’t what is best for the poor. It is what is best for BO and his fellow socialist Dems. The cycle of poverty that plagues so many won’t change by getting handouts. It will only change through personal responsibility and hard work.
I don’t mind paying my taxes. I mind throwing them down the drain.