But when corporations use patent law and/or buy out their competition in order to monopolize an industry, that’s being “smart,” right? Perhaps it’s smart when these corporations move their manufacturing facilities overseas so they can drive down prices and force out companies that manufacture in the U.S.
Davelj is against the unions, but he’s all for the government buying MBSs/CDOs/etc in order to bail out his cronies. I hope the Democrats tax the bejesus out of him and his ilk.
I have no problem with unions at all. I support the right to free assembly and organization where contracts are concerned. But… I also support the right of market forces to render said unions helpless, which is what we are seeing in many sectors of the US workforce. Unions are a short-term solution with a long-term cost to a long-term problem: non-competitiveness at a given wage price point. Now many of the unions are bearing the cost to that short-term solution: the companies they’ve laid their anchors to are failing. So, again, I have no problem whatsoever with unions. But ultimately you reap what you sow.
(I’m sorry, but in what post did I suggest that the govt. should buy MBSs/CDOS, etc.? I recall saying that certain of these securities might turn out to be good investments from current prices, but I have no recollection whatsoever of suggesting that the govt. should buy these securities. Please point me to the post where I stated otherwise.)