TheBreeze: Rhetoric notwithstanding, how do you reconcile the policies, both foreign and domestic, that have been in play for the last 50 years and include both Democratic and Republican administrations and Congresses?
You speak of Bush’s destruction of civil liberties, yet ignore Clinton’s policies regarding extraordinary rendition and involvement with the NSA Carnivore and Echelon programs, as well as overlooking Carter’s 1978 FISA program.
“Legitimately responsible for the destruction of the country”? Wages have been stagnant since the 1970s and both right and left have lied to their constituencies for years (actually decades) about the true state of this nation and have avoided a true dialogue with the people of this country as to what truly needs to be done in order to return us to competitiveness and the necessary sacrifices that need to be made to wean us off of foreign oil, cheap goods and an unsustainable standard of living.
This is not something that has taken place over the last eight years, but the last forty. It has certainly accelerated over the last eight, but both Dems and Repubs have blood on their hands and both are equally guilty here.
Scapegoating Bush and extolling Obama simply continues the propaganda campaign.