The Via Ostione house stayed on the market over one year! I wonder why.
I can see from some of the houses for sale ( under 550K now), the owners are going to take between 150 and 200K haircut if they bought at the peak of the bubble (2005-2006 – those houses were even reaching 700K). That’s something -25-30% off the peak price. I wouldn’t like to be in their shoes.
Question is, has South Carlsbad suffered alreay most of the pain, or there is still more to come?
Based on the peak values I would think most of it is gone, but it really bubbled up a lot…
I see that some of the prices are 2003 or even earlier (nominal prices), is my impression correct?
[quote=sdrealtor]On the surface they seem within range but i would have to see the actual houses, lots and locations to render a stronger opinion.
FYI, Via Ostiones is s mall pocket of newer, nicer and more custom homes within Alga Hills and a definte step up from the others in that community.[/quote]