The very people who certified the steel claim it should not have failed. Of course they are saying that. Saying anything else would open them up to a lawsuit of giant proportions. Sorry, but I don’t agree with anything you have to say on this subject, PS.
I have addressed before how preposterous an idea it is that a large group of people spent weeks planting explosives in the building (plus cutting through key supports, which is necessary in the kind of planned demolition you are suggesting). I think too many people have started believing the wild things they see in action movies – like two people on motorcycles impacting at high speed and then having a fistfight, or falling thirty feet and jumping up without a bruise, or being thrown fifty feet from an explosion without any body damage, or building secret high tech cities underwater where some super rich crazy guy tries to take over the world, or getting a huge insurance policy while planting explosives and cutting supports all the while with the knowledge that radical Muslims are going to attempt (this was by no means a certain conclusion) to hijack airliners and are then going to successfully fly them into the buildings. Whew, I’m out of breath on the last one, there were so many variables…