OK, so a reader sends in a reminder of the WSJ Online headline recently: “Treasury Has $134.5 Billion Left in TARP.” Date on story: March 30th of this year. And then those two Japanese fellows were busted with how much? $134-billion in bonds.
Naturally, UrbanSurvival readers are wondering “Was this our own government sneaking money outside the country in order to have some ready cash for when our economy implodes later this year?”
Tisk, tisk. Perish such thoughts. We’re reassured that the bonds are fakes. But then again, what would youi expect the official word on this to be? “Oh, we’re just diversifying TARP dough into FOREX”? Quick, hand me the Reynolds Wrap…something must be getting through my tinfoil this morning.”
this is from George Ure’s daily missive – he posts every morning except sunday – if you are interested in what is really going on in the world read him daily – if you want to keep your rose-colored glasses on, definitely DO NOT read him EVER (www. urbansurvival.com)