The things that are going for you are that you bought well and basically can’t get hurt off of your original position. You apparently were smart enough not to pull a lot of cash out at the refi and you’re on track to own your home – no matter what – in 11 more years. Your mortgage payment + taxes + insurance costs are probably a little higher than if you were to pay rent on that house, but not by much.
The things that are going against your are…basically nothing. You know what you have and it ain’t bad. You don’t know for sure if you’ll be able to get into a similar situation by the time this cycle plays out because you don’t know (none of us do) if it will really turn out as badly as we think it might turn out.
One more thing – your alternate investment, whatever it might be, will also involve some risk. It is not unheard of for people to roll that dice and lose. Then where would you be? Even if you can successfully time the market when you re-enter it and pay basically the same price to get back in, what are the chances you’ll get such a great interest rate in the next 10 years?
Only you can know if your situation is working for you right now, but if it is working then why mess with it?