The theory of HOAs are like the road to hell paved w/good intentions. Few are managed properly – especially financially. But having rented in complexes w/HOAs, I find the homeowners are problematic, enforcing rules with dictatorship mentality. I don’t find it a friendly community but more like a prison police state.
I have seen many lawsuits involving HOAs suing over the most petty things that I am amazed don’t get settled but actually go to trial. One in particular was over a palm tree.
I understand one who is maybe going to retire would want a maintenance-free, simple and easy living. But my experience is quite the opposite.
I bought a condo for my mom in a 55 over community and all they do is raise the HOAs and don’t maintain the premises as well as they should, cutting corners often.
I am disappointed and am discouraged from ever going that route. More and more information emerges to convince me not to buy a condo.