The stock market is risky because it’s at historic highs now, but also, good luck living and going to the schools that your stock ownership gets you.
At the end of the day, you have to pay to live somewhere so if you have kids (which seems like the plan) and care about schools and MORE important, the general economic wealth/education of your neighbors (economic segregation), you will need to buy a pretty expensive place to start.
A lot of these single/no kid male types totally have no idea what it’s like IMO when you have kids and how your life will change so pay no attention to them since their perspectives are way off IMO (at least compared to people with kids)…
Also, compare rent vs own of the same place and the rental housing is really insane. At econo-hell 4S, rent for homes are 4k/month and I think most people who bought in 09/10 pays like 2k/month mortgage (not counting prop tax). Add in tax break for such a high mortgage and high prop tax and you are prob doing much better if you bought early…even if you didn’t buy then, run your own numbers and decide what works best.
Since we know of plenty of people who rent homes here and pay the 4k/month, rents are just too high to not run numbers and see what makes the most sense…of course, if you can rent in a much smaller place for 1k/month and can get the schools you like, then that’s probably a better plan for now.