[quote=The-Shoveler]Works OK for some software Gigs’s not so well for Doctors nurses, firemen etc…
The whole world does not run on piecemeal gig’s
Call me old, But I still think 90% of success is showing up and being there.
Mark Cuban had a good take on this subject, need to find that again[/quote]If we didn’t have our smiling faces there for the “headcount” at 8:00 am five days per week, we had to call in with a plausible-sounding “sick” excuse by 8:15 am (and not make a habit of this on Mondays). If you were out of sick leave (or only had enough SL on the books to cover part of the day), your leave was deducted from your annual leave balance. If you didn’t have enough to that to cover the day, your paycheck would be shorted and you would likely be “counseled” as to why you’re not keeping any leave on the books. If you didn’t call in by 8:15 am, you were technically “AWOL” and subject to disciplinary action. Not only that, but you better be dressed and groomed properly or you would be sent home to do so and annual leave would be deducted from your balance accordingly. This meant a PRESSED pair of dockers or better for men and a PRESSED shirt. PANTYHOSE for women and no fallen hems in our (mid-knee-length) skirts and clothes CLEAN and pressed. No flashy, BIG jewelry, chains, cleavage, tank tops, short skirts, tight clothes, incl leggings, jeans of any kind (for both sexes). PRESSED DRESS pants were allowed 2-4X month for women. In the ’90’s, women were able to wear PRESSED DRESS pants almost every day with a PRESSED blouse or shirt tucked in and a belt, with which we could attach a NON-BEEPING pager. You could hang a non-tattered cardigan sweater on the back of your chair.
Damn straight.
I go back to these same (public offices) a few times per month today and I can’t believe what these millenial workers get away with! OMG, if we had tatoos peeking out from the back of tight pants and armfuls of tattoos peeking out from shirtsleeves, we would have NEVER BEEN HIRED (or terminated if we got them AFTER we were hired)! And I worked across the street from SIX tattoo parlors in dtn SD for at least a dozen years! At least today’s local gubment workers have to take out their nose, lip and tongue rings before reporting to work (I can see the holes where they wear them and so can everyone else).
The Gen Y worker-bee group bitches and complains a lot about everything and claims they’re constantly “victimized” whilst coming and going to/from work at whim and “telecommuting” at least half the workweek at home to collect their 40 hours pay. I know this cuz one of my kids is a human resource specialist. Yeah, yeah, I know you’re “working” at home while taking breaks to mow the lawn and take care of your baby so you don’t have to pay someone else to do it.
I wish I had that kind of “flexibility” when I was raising a family. I had to pick up my kid(s) from daycare by 6:00 pm or I was “fined” $1.00 per minute after that. I even carried an ice chest with ice in it in my trunk almost every Thursday for 15 years so I could go thru the commissary express lane (5 mins away) during lunch hour and scare up some groceries for my family, stop at the base cleaners (to get my “pressed” clothing back) and gas up, making sure I was parked and arrived back in my office chair within the hour.
In part due to a plethora of worker-friendly laws (both state and Federal), today’s workers have it so much better than we boomers ever did … exponentially. They have absolutely NOTHING to complain about.