[quote=The-Shoveler]I could not imagine moving from say a Palos Verdes home to the Dallas area holds much appeal.[/quote]
Piggington has often had dialogue concerning where it is best to live or do business. Inevitably, posters who defend CA reveal what is called confirmation bias, or “my side bias” wherein we seek out information that reinforces our existing choices or beliefs. Accordingly, those that bash Texas are really seeking to prove to others, and maybe themselves, that they have made the right choice, and those in competing states are fools or yahoos.
I’d bet that a Piggington-type site in Texas with a topic of where it is best to live or do business would be full of rants against California.
I grew up in Minnesota, where they bragged about the wonderful change of seasons. I left when I realized nine months of winter wasn’t for me. I read that in North Dakota, when an outsider complained about the bitter winters, a native said “It keeps the riff-raff out”. Come to think of it, there aren’t many homeless there compared to San Diego. To each his own.