“The sheer poetic irony of your butt cancer aside, I do have a few questions based on your post.”
I’ve never had ass cancer you idiot. You were born of hemorrhoid cells.
“Do you really think that any manipulation of the market is synonymous with a command economy?”
When the government does it, yes.
“Does that include when private parties manipulate it or just when government does?”
Your attempt to put me in a reductio ad absurdum box is childish. Of course there is a part for government in creating structure, but not in determining who should get subsidies for not planting what, or how many lesbian dwarfs you must have on your payroll. Government’s role is too great, and has been for decades. Those who can’t see this are part of the problem.
“On that topic, do you consider any redistribution of wealth to be equivalent to systems like communism? EG: Are income taxes or food stamps the same as, say, government as the only employer?”
Obviously not the same, but of the same ilk.
“Do you really think that public schools do not teach the history or traditions of the US? My wife who teaches US history to (predominantly immigrant) students would perhaps disagree. Again, its a question.”
Does she have a history degree, or an education degree? Considering the vast sums expended, our public schools are a disgrace. We pay for filet mignon, and get hot dogs.
“Is it your contention that his mother’s perceived lack of patriotism should disqualify him from running? Is it your contention that his foreign schooling should disqualify him from running?”
People vote for those with whom they believe they share values, thus the 92% black vote he’ll reap. Although to the dismay of MLK, most we’ll be voting based on the color of his skin, and not the content of his character. A lot more Americans will look at his foreign childhood in the Indonesian Madrassas, and conclude that he isn’t PLU. I have nothing in common with the man, except that I too have spent years in the political gutter that is Chicago, and know what one finds there… raw opportunism, but that has been his trajectory since his arrival in Hawaii as a teenager, and entry into the halls of privilege.