The sales offices for each of the “communities” at Bressi all included notice – posted on the walls next to the door – that the project was located near an airport and is subject to air traffic noise. Nobody buying in Bressi could have not known they were moving a couple hundred yards south of the landing pattern for Palomar.
What the developers at Bressi never explained to their buyers was that the north and west sides of the project would be eventually built out with concrete tilt-up industrials and office condos. The developers deliberately waited until the residential portion of the project was sold off before they even started grading the commercial side.
Had the buyers who were paying $150,000 for the “view amenity” looking to the west realized that view would be of industrial buildings I don’t think they would have been so anxious to pay it.
Personally, I don’t think increasing the air traffic at Palomar will do any more damage to the values or marketability at Bressi than what they already had.