The safe jobs are, generally speaking, in government. All levels, state, local, federal, military, are virtually immune to the tribulations the private sector employees are about to go through.
I work for the UC system; largely because I anticipated this economic meltdown a few years ago and wanted to get locked into something stable (with good benefits) until it was over.
Well, we just got word that in addition to having a salary freeze this year, we got hit with an additional mid-cycle budget cut. To top it off our pension fund is down almost 25% and we are looking at having to begin contributions again next year.
And, as FLUW mentioned, we are only in round two of this thing.
At this point I don’t think any job is *safe* and would not be surprised at all if we had lay-offs (though I feel my position is safe).
Funny enough, I still get a few pings a month from recruiters, so there is some evidence that there will always be jobs out there for good people.