The sad thing in CA, and what makes us seriously ponder whether it’s worth staying here, is how much it’s rubbed in your face every day. The state takes more and more of our money. But yet, the roads are horrible, crime is getting worse, and gang activity is ignored while teachers get obscene pay for working part of the year even though public schools suck, lifeguards can make $150K+, admin workers at Long Beach hold out because nearly $200K is not enough, prison guards can make nearly $200K. Public sector workers get paid more while raking in benefits (including retirement) the private sector could only dream of. And I’m still told I’m not paying my fair share. And the funds from Prop 30 won’t make the schools better – just prop up more juicy retirement pay for teachers and administrators (of which there are far too many). Public union agitators take my tax money to picket, protest, and lobby against my interests. I am literally paying them to screw me.